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Database file/home/jean-pierre/Documents/BaseDocumenter/www/databases/Invoices/Invoice_Forms_v2.odb
File actual save date2018-07-12 16:54:13
Scanning done on2018-08-21 16:18:10
Documentation generated on2018-08-21 16:18:22
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Invoice Forms
Free comments Technical specifications BaseDocumenter : Preferences
This example includes several Forms designed for point-of-sale transactions or invoicing.
The Forms are presented in a series using a building-block approach, progressively adding features and associated design-complexity.
The most advanced Form includes all of the features below.


Supported features include:
1. Client selection (list box) (bogus contact-list courtesy of data generators: link1 link2)
2. Client Address (auto fill-in upon client selection)
3. Separate Shipping Address (optional type-in)
4. Item selection by Name or SKU/Serial Number (list box)
5. Quantity selection (spin button; default 1)
6. Price (auto fill-in upon item selection)
7. Item Discounts: adjustable in monetary units and/or percent (type-in)
8. Item SubTotals (SQL calculated field)
9. Invoice SubTotal (SQL calculated field)
10. Invoice Discount as preset percentages (list box selection; user-defined presets; default none)
11. Invoice Tax options and calculations (list box selection; user-defined presets; default tax type)
12. Item Tax Status as a stored boolean used to differentiate taxable 'products' from tax-free 'services or incidentals'
13. Shipping and handling including: Shipper selection, fee, and/or weight-rate, packaging fee per item (SQL calculated field)
14. Invoice Total (SQL calculated field)
15. Various Field Constraints and Defaults (leveraging back-end database features)
16. One Form is designed to invoice 'unique' items differentiated by serial number with 'sold' item filtering

Full details HERE.
  HSQL Database Engine 1.8.0

File location

Connection string

Connection by user

Quoting character for table & field names

Field types [* max. length]
  LONGVARBINARY * 2147483647
  VARBINARY * 2147483647
  BINARY * 2147483647
  LONGVARCHAR * 2147483647
  CHAR * 2147483647
  VARCHAR * 2147483647

Options used for documentation generation :
   Scan tables
   Collect data samples
   Collect data statistics
   Scan queries
   Parse and beautify SQL code
   Scan forms
   Include form screenshots in output pages
   Scan dialogs
   Include dialog screenshots in output pages
   Include dialogs stored in preloaded libraries
   Scan toolbar buttons
   Scan modules
   Parse Basic procedures
   Include modules stored in preloaded Basic libraries

Dependencies between items are identified when :
   a table or a query name is used as a literal in a Basic procedure
   a table or a query is the record source of a form or a subform
   a table or a query is the data source of a list- or combobox
   a table or a query is referenced in a SQL statement
   a form name is used as a literal in a Basic procedure
   a dialog name is used as a literal in a Basic procedure
   a procedure is referenced in a document event
   a procedure is referenced in a form event
   a procedure is referenced in a dialog event
   a procedure is referenced in a (form or dialog) control event
   a procedure is referenced by a toolbar button
   a procedure is called by another procedure